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Quo Vadis Playbill

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"Quo Vadis" Playbill

(click on photo to enlarge)

Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (in armour) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (128764 bytes) Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (studio shot) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (131382 bytes)
as Vinicius as Vinicius
Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (converting Chilo to Christianity) in Quo Vadis-B&W_resized.jpg (231338 bytes) Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (upraised arm) with Nero in Quo Vadis-B&W from Blum-Resized.jpg (258069 bytes)
Vinicius converting Chilo to Christianity before Nero
Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (kneeling with Lygia) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (130689 bytes) Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (standing with Lygia) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (129480 bytes)
with Lygia with Lygia
Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (in front of arch) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (286056 bytes) Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (in robe standing over Tigellinus) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (131039 bytes)

full cast production shot

with Tigellinius
Joseph Haworth as Vinicius (with hands behind head) in Quo Vadis-B&W-Resized.jpg (358597 bytes) Joseph Haworth as Vinicius bolding cross in Quo Vadis-color-Resized.jpg (204449 bytes)
before Nero Vinicius holding cross

Joseph Haworth & Quo Vadis

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