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Timeline of
Joseph Haworth's Life

1855 April 7: Joseph Haworth is born in Providence, RI to Benjamin & Martha (O'Leary) Haworth.

    Benjamin Haworth
1860 Brother William Haworth is born.
1865 Benjamin dies in a southern prison camp.

Martha moves the family to Cleveland, OH.

Joseph goes to work in a newspaper office.

1874 February 8: Joseph recites "Shamus O'Brien" at a benefit performance with John Ellsler's stock company at the Cleveland Academy of Music.

May 16: Joseph makes his professional debut as Richmond in Richard III at the Cleveland Academy of Music, starring Charlotte Crampton.

December 7: Joseph, now a member of John Ellsler's acting company, appears with Lawrence Barrett in Julius Caesar. (note: Joseph Haworth appeared in literally hundreds of productions for Mr. Ellsler; only a few representative role are listed here.)

Charlotte Crampton

1875 September 23: Joseph plays Jaques DeBois is As You Like It with Effie Ellsler as Rosalind.

October 20: Joseph plays Balthasar in Romeo and Juliet with John Ellsler's stock company at the Euclid Avenue Opera House in Cleveland.

1876 February23: Joseph plays Gabrielle in Guy Mannering at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Augusta L. Dargon as Meg Merrilies.

March 16: Joseph plays Gower in Henry V at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with George Ringnold.

November 13: Joseph plays Cromwell in Crown of Thorns at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Anna Dickinson.

December 4: Joseph plays Sir William Davidson in Mary Stuart at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Madame Janauschek.

December 9: Joseph plays Malcolm in Macbeth a the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Madame Janauschek.





Fanny Janauschek


1877 March 17: Joseph plays Horatio in Hamlet at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Lawrence Barrett.

April 4: Joseph makes his New York debut at the Eagle Theatre as Cromwell in Crown of Thorns with Anna Dickinson, followed by performances at the Eagle Theatre as Malcolm in Macbeth with Louis Aldrich, and Sir Thomas Clifford in The Hunchback.

May: Joseph plays Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet and Guiderius in Cymbeline at Daly's Theatre, New York, starring Adelaide Neilson.

October 29: Joseph plays Robert Ffolliot in The Shaughraun at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Dion Boucicault.

November 20: Joseph plays Laertes in Hamlet at the Euclid Avenue Opera House with Edwin Booth.

Anna Dickinson

1878 May 10: Joseph plays the title role in  Hamlet in his farewell performance at the Euclid Avenue Opera House.

September 7: Joseph debuts at the Boston Museum as Count Henri de Beausoleti in Satan in Paris. (note: Joseph Haworth appeared in hundreds of roles in his four years at the Boston Museum; only a few representatiove productions are listed here.)

November 28: Joseph plays Bill Bobstay in the American premier of H.M.S. Pinafore at the Boston Museum.

Boston Museum

1879 March 22: Joseph gives his final performance of H.M.S. Pinafore at the Boston Museum.

September 8: Joseph plays Vladimir, Count Danicheff in The Danicheff, opening the 37th season of the Boston Museum.

1880 February 16: Joseph plays Michael O'Dowd, Jr. in  Daddy O'Dowd at the Boston Museum directed by Dion Boucicault.

April 24: Joseph plays Joseph Surface in  School for Scandal at the Boston Museum with William Warren as Sir Peter.

October 18: Joseph plays Hastings in She Stoops to Conquer with William Warren as Tony Lumpkin.

William Warren

1881 January 25: Joseph plays Romeo to Mary Anderson's Juliet for one night at the Boston Museum; it sets a record for the playhouse for a single night's gross receipts.

February 12: A benefit performance is given for Joseph at the Boston Museum; he plays Romeo in the balcony scene of Romeo & Juliet, after which The Marble Heart is presented.

September 18: Joseph plays Algernon Grosvenor in the American premier of Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience at the Boston Museum.

December 24: Joseph plays his 100th and final performance of Patience at the Boston Museum.

Mary Anderson



1882 March 25: A benefit performance is given for Joseph at the Boston Museum; he plays Iago in Othello with Charles Barron.

April 10: Joseph plays Mathew Leigh in Rosedale at the Boston Museum with Lester Wallack as Elliot Grey.

September: Joseph is hired by John McCullough as leading man.

October 25: Joseph plays Iago in Othello at the Grand Opera House in St. Louis with John McCullough, while on national tour.

October 26: Joseph plays Icilius in Virginius at the Grand Opera House in St. Louis with John McCulllough, while on national tour.

October 27: Joseph plays Titus in Brutus at the Grand Opera House in St. Louis with John McCullough, while on tour.

October 28: Joseph plays Ingomar in Ingomar at the Grand Opera House in St. Louis, while on tour; it is John McCullough's policy to star Joseph in matinee performances.

November 11: Joseph appears with John McCullough at New York's Fifth Avenue Theatre as Iago, Icilius, Titus.

John McCullough

1883 April 9: Joseph opens an engagement with John McCullough at Nibbo's Garden, New York; the repertory consists of Virginius, Julius Caesar, and Jack Cade.
1884 March 24: Joseph opens an engagement with John McCullough at the Star Theatre; the repertory included Othello and Brutus.

April 3: Joseph opens an engagement with John McCullough at the Novelty Theatre, Brooklyn; Joseph plays Richmond in  Richard III and Phasarius in The Gladiator, along with Othello, Virginius, and starring matinees in Ingomar; Joseph's brother William is in the supporting company.

April 14: Joseph opens as Captain Trevor in The Fatal Letter at the Union Square Theatre, New York.

May 27: Joseph opens as Theophilus Pocklington in Whose Are They? at the Star Theatre, written by his friend and fellow actor E. H. Sothern.

September 29: With Joseph onstage with him, John McCullough breaks down during a performance of The Gladiator at McVicker's Theatre in Chicago; it is McCullough's final performance.

November 5: Joseph plays the title role in Dion Boucicault's new plays Robert Emmet; the play fails; subsequently Haworth wins a lawsuit, releasing him from his contact with Boucicault.



1885 March 4: Joseph co-stars with Clara Morris in Denise at Daly's Theatre

September 7: Joseph stars as Phillipe Count d'Albert in the long-run A Moral Crime at the Union Square Theatre; William Haworth open as Balthazar in  A Comedy of Errors at the Start Theatre, starring Robson and Crane, which tours after a hugely successful New York run.

Clara Morris

1886 February 19: Joseph plays Orlando in As You Like It at the Star Theatre, for the benefit of Polish Exiles with Helene Modjeska as Rosalind.

March 1: Joseph plays Romeo at the Boston Theatre opposite Maragret Mather.

October 17: Joseph launches a national tour as Jack Yeulette in Hoodman Blind at the Columbia Theatre in Chicago; Hodman Blind is Haworth's first star billing.

October 25: William Haworth open as Oliver in As You Like It at the Union Square Theatre, starring Helene Modjeska and Maurice Barrymore.

November 10: William Haworth open as Pille-Miche in The Chouans at the Union square Theatre, starring Helene Modjeska

Helene Modjeska

1887 January 24: Joseph opens in Hoodman Blind at the Grand Opera House in New York City; following its New York run, Hoodman Blind tours throughout the rest of the season.

September 12: Joseph launches an East Coast tour as Elliot Grey in  Rosedale at the Arch Street Theatre in Philadelphia, under the direction of the play's author and original star, Lester Wallack.

October 3: William Haworth opens in Troy, NY in  Held by the Enemy, succeeding star and author William Gillette as leading man; the production tours for two seasons.

November 14: Joseph opens as Gonzales in Loyal Love at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, co-starring with Mrs. Potter and Kyrle Bellew.

December 12: Joseph opens as Romeo, Malvolio, and Ingomar at the Star Theatre opposite Julia Marlowe.

December 24: Joseph opens in the title role of Steele MacKay's Paul Kauvar at he Standard Theatre.


Lester Wallack


Steele MacKay

1888 May 5: Joseph plays  Paul Kauvar at the National Theatre in Washington under the patronage of President and Mrs. Cleveland; Haworth continues with the role through the end of the season.

August 27: Joseph opens in the title role in Philip Herne at the Fifth Avenue Theatre.

1889 September 2: Joseph Hawoth plays a return engagement of Paul Kauvar at the Grand Opera House.

September 9: William Haworth opens in his own play  Ferncliff at the Union Square Theatre; both Haworth brothers star on Broadway at the same time.

1890 September: WIlliam Haworth opens at the Garden Theatre, New York, as Lycias in Nero starring Richard Mansfield; following a final New York appearance in October, William tours in Mansfiled's support for the rest of the season.

November 20: A.M. Palmer's touring company of Aunt Jack and  A Man of the World starring Joseph Haworth plays New York's Grand Opera House for a limited engagement before resuming it tour.

A.M. Palmer

1891 July 24: Joseph plays Orlando in As You Like It in an open air production at the Hotel Kenmawr in Pittsburg with Rose Coghlan; William Haworth is in the cast as Orlando's brother, Oliver.

September: Joseph launches a starring tour at the head of his own company; the neoclassical repertory including Ruy Blas, St. Marc's, Fra Diano, The Leavenworth Case, and The Bells

Rose Coghlan

1892 March: Joseph Haworth's repertory of The Bells, St. Marc's, Ruy Blas, and A Man of the World plays New  York's People's Theatre, then resumes its tour.

October 11: Joseph stars as Ralph Izzard in Ye Earlie Trouble at Proctor's Theatre, New York.

December 5 William Haworth's second play The Ensign opens at the Fourteenth Street Theatre; it is a popular success with many return New York engagement and subsequent revivals.

December 26: Joseph opens as Oliver St. Aubyn in Dumas fils The Crust of Society at the Union Square Theatre.

1893 February 27: William Haworth's third play A Mutmeg Match opens at the Fourteenth Street Theatre; it is a comedy/melodrama set in rural New England, with an actual steam driven pile driver used in the third act climax.

April 24: Joseph opens at the Union Square Theatre in The Froth of Society, a reworking of the The Crust of Society; this is a sanitized version of the earlier play that is intended to tour.

May 12: Emily Rigl breaks out of character during a performance of The Froth of Society in Montreal; she tells the audience that Joseph Haworth is "no gentleman" and leaves the stage; the rest of the tour is cancelled; Joseph is reported to have suffered a breakdown.

June 3: Joseph opens in Rosedale at the Boston Grand Opera House; it settle in for a long time; this begins a two year period when Joseph's career has Boston as its center.

June 13: Mrs. Martha Haworth, mother of William and Joseph, dies in Cleveland at age 72.

December 9: A Nutmeg Match opens at the Grand Opera House, New York, followed by The Ensign the next week.

Emily Rigl

1894 January 18: Joseph reopens Rosedale at the Boston Grand Opera House.

February 4: William Haworth's fifth play On the Mississippi opens at the People's Theatre, new York.

March 12: Joseph opens at the Star Theatre in New in  Rosedale with the Boston Grand Opera House company in his support.

April 10: Joseph opens in The Diplomats, followed by Sapho, at the Boston Grand Opera House.

September 10: Joseph returns to the Star Theatre, New York, with Rosedale, which has been on a national tour.

November: Joseph becomes leading man to Helene Modjeska; their repertory will eventually include Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Measure for Measure, Camille, Mary Stuart, Magda, and Hamlet; they embark on a tour which includes The Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, the Lyceum in Baltimore, and The Tremont in Boston; scheduled for Cincinnati, the tour is cancelled due to a Modjeska's suffering a slight stroke.

1895 January 21: Joseph opens at the Castle Square Theatre in Boston in  Hamlet, Rosedale, and Richelieu; he is billed as "America's Greatest Actor and America's Greatest Hamlet."

March 4: Joseph adds Richard III, The Bells, and Rinaldo, a commissioned verse play, to his repertory at the Castle Square Theatre.

April 14: Joseph performs A Man of the World at the Broadway Theatre, New York, in a testimonial performance to Clara Morris.

April 20: Joseph takes a repertory of Hamlet, Richelieu, Rosedale, and Macbeth on national tour; with a summer break, the tour continues through the end of the 1895-96 season.

Castle Square Theatre, Boston

1896 September 15: Joseph returns to commercial New York theatre in Bret Hart's Sue at Hoyt's Theatre; his leading lady is Annie Russell; Theodore Roberts is in the supporting cast.

Annie Russell

1897 January 26: Joseph rejoins Modjeska for an engagement at the Baldwin Theatre in San Francisco; the plays performed f r this engagement are Magda, Macbeth, Mary Stuart, and  Adrienne Lecouvreur; a subsequent booking in Los Angeles is cancelled due to Modjeska's illness.

March 8: Joseph opens Ruy Blas and  A Man of the World at the Columbia Theatre in San Francisco; this booking was made when Haworth was at liberty following Modjeska's cancellation.

November 8: Joseph and Modjeska open at the Grand Opera House in CHicago with Adrienne Lecouvreur, Magda, Camille, Mary Stuart, Macbeth, As You Like It, and Hamlet; following this engagement they continue on national tour.

1898 February 7: Joseph and Modjeska open at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, new York, with their reperotry.

February 28: Joseph and Modjeska open at the Globe Theatre in Boston.

March 14: Joseph and Modjeska return to the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York.

April 2: Joseph and Modjeska give their final performance together, in Macbeth, at Gillmore's Auditorium in Philadelphia.

April 18: Joseph gathers the remaining members of Modjeska's company together to support him in a tour of Eastern states; they open in Providence with a repertory of Macbeth, Hamlet, and  Romeo and Juliet; twenty-two year old Bertha Gallard is his leading lady, and seventy-eight year old John Ellsler is his Polonius.

August: Joseph leads the acting company of the Shakespeare Festival at the Park Theatre in Philadelphia; Haworth's roles, included Iago, Richelieu, Hamlet, Shylock, Icilius in Virginius and Cassius in Julius Caesar; again, John Ellsler is a member of the acting company.

November: Joseph assume the title role in The Christian at the Garden Theatre, New York, opposite Viola Allen.

Fifth Avenue Theatre










Viola Allen

1899 May 1: Joseph opens as Kerchival West in Shenandoah at the Broadway Theatre.

September 15: Joseph opens as Rafael in  The Ghetto at the Broadway Theatre.

December 12: Joseph opens in Quo Vadis at McVicker's Theatre, Chicago, in a pre-Broadway try-out.

1900 April 9: Joseph opens as Vinicius in Quo Vadis at the New York Theatre,

August 19: William Haworth returns to acting as Sergeant Keller in  Arizona at the Herald Square Theatre, New York.

November 29: Joseph opens in Robert of Sicily at the Worchester Theatre, Worchester, MA.

1901 February 21: Plans for Joseph to open Robert of Sicily at the Herald Square Theatre in March 4 fall through.

September 3: Joseph opens an engagement at the Grand Opera House, San Francisco; his vehicles include Rosedale, Richelieu, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, Quo Vadis, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, dramatized by William Haworth.

1902 February 2: William Haworth opens as Sergeant Keller in Arizona at the Adelphia Theatre, London, England.

June 1: Joseph opens in Coriathon, a Morman drama, in Salt Lake City.

December 1: Joseph opens as Cassius in  Julius Caesar at the Herald Square Theatre, opposite Richard Mansfield as Brutus, this production remains the longest running Julius Caesar in Broadway history.


Richard Mansfield

1903 February 17: Joseph opens as Prince Dimitri Neckhludoff in Tolstoy's Ressurection at Hammerstein's Victoria, New York.

August 28: Joseph Haworth dies of heart failure in Willoughby, Ohio; his sudden death is front page news throughout the united States.



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