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Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Uncle Tom's Cabin

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William Warren-Uncle Tom's Cabin_Resized.jpg (115735 bytes)

Uncle Tom's Cabin Boston Museum Playbill.jpg (208890 bytes)

Emily Rigl as Cassie in Uncle Tom's Cabin-Photo-tinted.jpg (65533 bytes)

William Warren

Boston Museum Playbill

Emily Rigl as Cassie

John Gilbert-Uncle Tom's Cabin-Resized.jpg (109035 bytes)

Effie Ellsler-Uncle Tom's Cabin-Resized.jpg (123730 bytes)

Joseph Jefferson-Uncle Tom's Cabin-Resized.jpg (126421 bytes)

John Gilbert

Effie Ellsler

Joseph Jefferson

Harriet Beecher Stowe-Photo with frame-B&W-Resized.jpg (107782 bytes)

Uncle Tom's Cabin 1853 Paperback edition cover22.jpg (48859 bytes)

Harriet Beecher Stowe in Profile-Photo-B&W-Resized.jpg (68157 bytes)

Harriet Beecher Stowe

1853 Paper Edition

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin Poster 2-color-Resized.jpg (123092 bytes)

Uncle Tom's Cabin Poster with Topsy-color-Resized.jpg (112036 bytes)


1904 Recording
Flogging Scene


Theodore Robert as Simon Lagreee in Uncle Tom's Cabin-Photo-tinted.jpg (53828 bytes)

Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs. Howard's Topsy, Adelphi Theatre, Boston, Playbill.jpg (35541 bytes)

Mrs. Howard as Topsy-Illustration-color.jpg (65776 bytes)

Theodore Roberts as Simon Legree


Mrs. G.C. Howard as Topsie

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