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Portraits of Famous Actors
 with Whom Joseph Haworth Played

(click on actor's photo to learn more about them)
Adelaide_Neilson_studio_shot_postcard-Resized.jpg (56257 bytes) Annie_Russel_studio_shot_with_white_veil-postcard-tinted-Resized.jpg (47736 bytes)
Adelaide Neilson
Anna Dickinson
Annie Russell
Blanche_Walsh_in_profile_headshot-Resized.jpg (45114 bytes)
Blanche Walsh
Charles Barron
Charlotte Crampton
Boucicault_cameo_portrait_Photo-tinted-Resized.jpg (60632 bytes) Edwin_Booth_Cameo-BW-Resized.jpg (35945 bytes)
Clara Morris
Dion Boucicault
Edwin Booth
E.H._Sothern-Portrait_1884-Photo-BW-Resized.jpg (41047 bytes) Emily_Rigl-Photo-cepia-Resized.jpg (53117 bytes)
Effie Ellsler
E.H. Sothern
Emily Rigl
Francesca (Fanny) Janauschek (1830-1904)t-Photo-B&W-Resized.jpg (47039 bytes)
Fanny Januschek
Helena Modjeska
John McCullough
Julia Marlowe
Kryle Bellew
Lawrence Barrett
Mary Anderson
Miriam O'Leary
Mrs. James Brown Potter
Richard Mansfield
Rose Coghlan
Theodore Roberts
Tyrone Power, Sr.
Viola Allan
William Warren

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